Investor and Partner Information Pack
Terms of Use
This information contained in the document below is not intended for broad public dissemination.
The project promoter has prepared this document for use by authorized and interested parties to gain further understanding of this exciting opportunity. The promoter is open to discussion from readers who may express an interest in participating in the development of this project.
Expressions of interest in the areas of finance, construction and operations are welcomed and will be further explored.
The SECLUSION – Project Details
The Seclusion is a unique Greenfield Tourism Investment Opportunity waiting to be explored. Situated along the south of Fiji’s main island, Vitilevu, in Waidroka Bay, Serua is a 10 – acre beachfront property that has great potential for tourism
The site has been earmarked for a Glamping Resort and has obtained all necessary regulatory and environmental approvals. Glamping is the term coined to describe eco-friendly and semi-permanent tented accommodation that offers a glamorous and premium resort experience compared to traditional tents used in basic camping.
Benefits of using these world-class, luxurious safari tents is the growing market for such resorts and the accelerated return on investment for the projects, achieved from the rapid and cost-effective installation and construction methods.
An image below from the same supplier is provided below as an example.
It is also anticipated that there will be at least two other phases of glamping eco-tent installation which will increase capacity and revenues at later stages. The success of this project will see the influx of tourist visits from eco-travelers, adventure seekers and avid campers’ communities from both existing and new tourism markets, and will enhance Fiji’s Tourism offerings.
The site in Waidroka Bay, Serua has great potential for growth. As Tourism regains momentum, this opportunity is perfect for any investor who wishes to benefit from the growth in the industry and likewise growth in the sub-sectors such as Eco-Tourism and Glamping. There is currently a shortage of around 4,000 rooms in Fiji’s Hotel Room Inventory, this opportunity to grow Fijis Hotel Room Inventory and also service a target sector of the tourism market is particularly timely.
The site was acquired in 2011 by the current owner and the necessary permits and approvals has already
been attained to move forward with the development of the property. The site is situated along the
Queens Highway, whereby a drive to and from Nadi International Airport is around to 1.5 hrs. and this is
the same for Fijis capital, Suva City.
Recent valuations and surveys are available and bank finance applications are progressing.
The Opportunity
The owner of this investment opportunity has drafted a business proposal and financial projections for the project.
Capital Investment : FJD $2,000,000
Partnership Opportunity : Up to 50%
Plan and Projections : TBA (documents available)
If you are interested in this opportunity, do reach out and a copy will be sent over following an
introductory meeting.
Mr. Jacob Tawakevou
Phone: +61 477 966 843